Tuesday, May 1, 2007

I may know it as a Persimmon and Give Thanks

We seem to like an artist, approve of his works. Then what does he say of our views? Does he represent a moral stance? Does he engage a view that is part of our discourse? Is he Christian? Is he antichrist? Is he vaguely Judeo-Christian, or does he sort of think Jesus was a nice guy? Or does he deny or ignore all of this? What, indeed, does he defend?

It is only afterwards that we ask how the content of his art demonstrates his stance.

This is what is meant by asking an artist to take a moral stand. Who does this, nowadays? It may be our job to encourage them to do so, or to call such efforts to recognition when we see them. We need critics to address these issues. Few do.

Though full definition is elusive at present, low fruit appears below the fog that still obscures branches above; I may pick one. If it makes me pucker, I may know it as a persimmon, and give thanks.